Harry Potter
All of a sudden building 45 turns into Hogwarts every October! Magic is in the air: flying keys, crawling spiders, hiding dementors and inviting Coats of Arms of Hogwarts are there to support the magical vibe. In the morning students are greeted by Professors and the sorting hat: students are excited to find out their faculty. But the excitement doesn’t stop there. Their professors desperately need the help of the young to defeat He Who Must Not be Named. To do so, students have to get the training of 5 magic disciplines:  Quidditch with professor Hooch, Quiz with Professor Umbridge, Potions with Professor Sprout, Fortune telling with professor Trelawney, Muggle Art with professor Pince. The brave muggles try hard to collect all the 5 horcruxes and destroy them! When the adventure comes to end, students gain their new skills, precious memories and magical jelly beans with unexpected flavours.
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